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Feminine Care


  • Diva Cup

  • Eco-friendly reusable pads

  • CF Pads

  • CF Tampons

  • Washes


So, I've been using tampons since I was eleven (TMI?), but last year I did some research on brands of tampons and pads and found some startling news about what's really in tampons and pads. Tampons and pads are actually bleached using chlorine dioxide and can mess with the pH of your lady parts. (Read more here and here.) Whatever you put into your body will be absorbed to some degree, so why put a bleached tampon inside of you? There are health risks like Toxic Shock Syndrome that can be very harmful to women's bodies. Not to mention all of the cruelty that goes into conventional tampon/pad brands! Brands like Always Infinity and Kotex test on animals and are distributed by huge animal testers like Proctor and Gamble.


So, if you want to have a healthier body and save big bucks, there's this great new thing called the Diva Cup!



VO-Vegan Options


Diva Cup + Wash (V)

Seventh Generation (VO)

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