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War Horse Tattoo | Berkeley

So, I wanted to get a tattoo that symbolizes "Veganism" and I found this picture on Pinterest about nine months ago:

When I saw this I absolutely loved it! So, I researched many vegan tattoo shops near me and also looked at vegan tattoo shops throughout the country. I was planning on transferring to Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon and get a tattoo at Scapegoat, but plans changed. I decided to just focus on tattoo shops near me. I decided on Old Crow in Oakland, but they have a waitlist for over three months! So I found another in Berkeley. It was one of the best decisions I made. I walked into War Horse Tattoo two weeks ago and talked with the incredible Dana James. He explained what was in their ink (which consists of vegetable glycerin not animal glycerin) and I made an appointment.

On March 1st I drove to Berkeley and met with Dana again. Two short hours later, this is how it turned out:

LOOK AT THIS! I was blown away by how amazing it turned out! It's true what they say-they are addicting! I can't wait to get another! The healing process is going really well. Really itchy! But still really well.

I just make sure to keep it out of the sun, don't touch it, and wash it twice a day with warm water and Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Hemp soap, and then put ShiKai borage lotion on it after I pat it dry with paper towels. I don't take any baths, only short showers. This is only for the first two weeks (longer if it's a bigger tattoo). This may seem like a lot, but this will be on me for the rest of my life so taking care of it from the very beginning is important!

Next week I will be using Elta MD sunscreen over it.

What tattoos do you have? What do they mean to you?

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